Making Adventure Sports a Family Affair June 20

Adventure Sports a Family AffairThe results are in!  A majority of dads polled admit Father’s Day happiness is defined by a lounge chair, tall glass of lemonade (or other libation) and a thick juicy steak on the barbeque. Nowadays, the willingness to oblige makes way to encouraging Pop to avoid the plop turning thoughts toward Adventure Sports options.

As two calendar notables, Father’s Day and the First Day of Summer fall singularly on a Sunday; the option for outdoor adventure sets the ideal stage for a family fitness challenge!

Country Junction is happy to fill the bill hosting the Dedicated Fit or Fail Challenge Saturday June 20 starting at 7:30 a.m. CJ’s Angela Moyer reports excitement is building for the feat, a first in the popular Lehighton site’s race circuit formed in collaboration with Waldorf Entertainment and Carbon Adventure Racing.

Revealing participants can expect an obstacle/drill/run that’s sure to be fun, headed by Dedicated Fitness’ Kerri Jahelka. She notes, “Kerri puts a great spin on things making this fun and challenging at the same time.”

“Our goal here at Country Junction is to create fun for an entire family to enjoy,” Moyer says adding, “That’s why we started the Country Junction Events Center.” Suggesting an alternative should dad admit a bit of apprehension over the foreboding thought of a fitness feat; she recommends a visit to CJEC’s Summer Bash Family Fun Fest.

Forecasting further run fun beyond the summer months, she invites Pops (and families) to start prowess prep for a September 19 Zombie Run or Rot and Santa’s Naughty or Nice in November.

For now, whatever plans may percolate, one familiar father laughed stating, “I just want them [The Miller Siblings] not to forget” followed by a clever wink.

Confident all families are familiar with the June 21 holiday; the clever response was met with certainty dads across the area will not be forgotten.

Happy Fathers Day from This Week on…


Country Junction 

Located just off Route 209 at 6565 Interchange Road in Lehighton

(610) 377-5050
