Spring Thaw Reveals Year-Round Fun for Camelback

Camelback Year Round Fun

Tucked deep beneath an eight foot bed of snow inviting skiers, boarders and snowtubers to the excitement that is Camelback, lays the source of tranquil waters ready to offer another kind of tubing along Camelbeach’s Lazy River.

Filled with 50 gallon drums tipping the scale by over 1000 in numbers under layers of plywood; this summer hot spot for a relaxing cool down will soon see the light of day as crews prepare to make way for the summer months.

Since Camelbeach opened 17 years ago, crews have been laying it down then clearing it up with expertise. Reporting an amazing winter season for the resort’s 50th Anniversary; CB Director of Marketing Brian Bossuyt describes the task as uncovering a “Good mix of family rides.”

Over 2500 lounge chairs ready to share some shade under 800 palm trees, lie in wait for their turn in the full time transition set for Memorial Day weekend.

An alluring 4000 foot zipline sits dauntingly above snow covered trails waiting for the winter chill to subside. Opening in a few weeks, Bossuyt states this CBK Mountaintop Adventure challenge will join PA’s only mountain coaster along with over 100 aerial obstacles to wet the pallets of outdoor enthusiasts ready to strip off their snow gear for some warm weather fun.

He reports the year round excitement plans continue with an expansion on the horizon for the summer of 2015.

He points out construction well underway for the resort’s heated indoor waterpark including accommodations of over 450 suites. FoilTech roofing will make the indoor atmosphere surreal warming snow bodies fresh off the winter slopes.

When asked what makes the entire Camelback experience unique, he considers the mountain backdrop key to what sets it apart from other Northeast waterparks.

He finishes stating, “That’s why they say we’re a mountain of a waterpark.”
